Friday, September 21, 2007

The Letter is coming!!!!

GREAT NEWS TODAY! The director of Children of the World sent this email to me today from China. She is currently there with another group getting their children.

Hi Martha,Doris spoke with the special need director yesterdayafternoon. Your file was on her desk. Your "Letterseeking confirmation" will be mailed out soon. Iexpect it next week.Your travel group will be:Gallahue/Moss/Schnidt Congratulations!Pat

I can not wait...Now let's all prayer for the Travel Authorizations to come quickly. Isabell An needs to be home for Christmas!!!


Karen McE said...

Great news Martha. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!

It's Me....Dea said...

I wish that you were coming with me, but it doesn't sound like you'll be far behind.

Anonymous said...

Oh Martha,

I'm getting butterflies in my stomach just writing to you! I was thrilled to hear the latest good news! I am sooooo glad that things are moving along and you'll be getting on an airplane soon to go get Isabel An and bring her home!

Bo, Becky, and Sophie said...

Congratulations, Martha!

This is so exciting! I know you can't wait to get Isabell home. Please take plenty of mental notes, as I hope we will be traveling this same road very soon!

Becky and Bo