Sunday, October 28, 2007

Shower Movie of Isabell An

This weekend my dear friends threw me a wonderful shower. Part of the day's entertainment was this lovely movie of Isabell An. Thank you to my dear friends Helen and Selena! Much love, Martha and Isabell

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

We are going to China!!!!

Today at around 9 a.m. I got the call from Pat, COTW director, that we are going to China! Looks like we will be going at Thanksgiving! There is not enough thanks for this precious little human I am about to receive into my life. I often think about if she knows someone half way around the world loves her beyond belief.

I must confess, I am nervous, anxious, excited, exhilarated, overwhelmed, over-joyed, and just plain ready to embrace this precious individual.

Life is Good!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Another BIG hurdle down!

Yesterday while at the airport I got the call that the TA (travel authorization) had come through and the director of COTW is suggesting we go the day after Thanksgiving or the following Friday! Her we come Isabell. Grandmary and mommy will be there soon to bring you home!

Thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. This is so exciting to share with you all!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

A Surpise Shower from Co-Workers!

...and a surprise it was! My generous and very thoughtful co-workers threw a shower for me and Isabell last week. There was a huge laundry basket full of clothes, shoes and toys for her. It was great and I can't thank them enough! She really is coming!!! I can't believe it. Thank you all!