Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy New Year!

Dear Family and Friends,

Sorry we have been a while in posting. We had a wonderful holiday season with my brother, his wife and three boys joining us for the week of Xmas. The boys loved their new cousin and could not have been sweeter to her.

Isabell is doing really well. She is crawling, eating from a spoon and drinking from a sippy cup. As well, she is beginning to pull up (although I am pushing her back down - no need to hurry). But on to the more important stuff...more pics of this cutie!


Anonymous said...

What fun to finally catch up on Isabell's blog! (My holiday hasn't been as crazy as yours but it has been busy.) Of course, Melissa keeps me posted almost daily--- including the cute outfits Isabell is modeling each day. You are "playing dress-up" with a living doll, aren't you?! She's absolutely adorable!! I'm also hearing about the milestones she's hitting on things big and small. Amazing what a lot of love and attention can do for a child! You and Isabell are so blessed to have each other! God is good, isn't he?

Anonymous said...
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